Monday, May 23, 2005

Revenge Of The 'TH' Sound

As tomorrow is Tuesday, half-price cinema tickets day, I'll be watching Revenge of the Sick S*it Sith. Frankly, I'm scared to death.

I would have to confront... the Dark Side! It's not going to be a pretty sight. I just read a news article that says worldwide sales of Star Wars merchandise have topped USD9 billion since the first movie. And sales of Darth Vader figurines have outsold all others 3-to-1.

The point is: most people want to go over to the Dark Side. But I have no plans to do so, at least not any time in the short term.

One of the great mysteries I have in my head is why and how people go bad. The other is the nature of suffering. And the first mystery is going to be answered tomorrow.

I've tried to avoid the spoilers, but one that I've heard involves the ambiguity of evil. Now, this is truly a curveball. How do I avoid being seduced by the Dark Side if I don't know what it is?

May the Force be with me.


Tuesday Update: I've just seen the movie. YESSS!! 9 out of 10 stars! Lucas has got it right, finally! Tight editing, great music, supreme Lucas-esque cheesy 80s lines, and most importantly, handled the nuances of the Dark Side really well. I mentioned the ambiguity of evil above. It turns out that understanding this ambiguity is key to avoid being seduced in the first place! If not, one becomes extreme, and will quickly fall to the Dark Side... But of course, that's only a small part of it, the rest of the moral of the story lies in the Jedi's Code. And also, never underestimate the power of the Dark Side...

I wondered why the unknown Heyden Christensen was cast in Episode II. What does this guy have that other actors don't? In hindsight, I think Lucas' a genius to cast him while he waits a while for the guy to 'grow up' to tackle Episode 3. A good guy, a bad guy, who knows?

The guy who can do no wrong, Ewan McGregor is such a hero! Did a wonderful job to follow the first trilogy's Obi-wan. I think I should buy a Obi-wan figurine.

Now, wait for the six episodes DVD, we will. The Force is strong in this one.

In the meantime, my online diary will be on hiatus until the end of next month. Comments are always welcome though...

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