Monday, July 4, 2005

Gay Couples: Methodists Move Progressively Forward

I've just been reading some news on the Internets that the Methodist church has endorsed gay marriage. This was incorrectly reported, the recommendations from last week's Methodist Conference 2005 was more like:
35. Guidance should be published on how to respond to requests to conduct prayers or services of blessing for same-sex couples, particularly in the light of recent legislation on civil partnerships.
This was a follow-up to the Conference two years ago that held that:
Conference recognises, affirms and celebrates the participation and ministry of lesbians and gay men in the church. Conference calls on the Methodist people to begin a pilgrimage of faith to combat repression and discrimination, to work for justice and human rights and to give dignity and worth to people whatever their sexuality.
The report is found here. I didn't know the Methodists had started exploring the issue 10 years ago (background info included in the report.) So that's good to know.

Meanwhile yesterday, the protesting protestant Church of Christ has gone forward and endorsed full marriage rights for all, no matter what their genders are. UCC's general minister and president Rev. John H. Thomas prayed...
"“Lord Jesus...We give thanks for your presence, especially here this morning. We have felt your warm embrace, stilling us as we tremble with joy, with hope, with fear, with disappointment...Let us use our hands not to clap, but to wipe away every tear..." via here.
Amen to that.

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