Monday, August 8, 2005

National Day Astronomy

On this Singapore's 40th National Day, does anyone have any concerns about the crescent moon in our flag? LOL :)

Logo of, designed by Xiaxue.

The geeky flag designer's worst nightmare: Scalability!

Anyway, I'll be going off tomorrow on some cruise to nowhere, so there'd be probably no new entries for the rest of the month...

Update (!): I was just watching the Parade after missing it for a few years, and was quite astonished by the song (Home) from Dick Lee, MuZhi and Kit Chan. It's goooood! Not pretentious, not teenybopper (unlike this year's song.) The English version doesn't really work, though. This seems very comparable to I Still Call Australia Home, and is probably even better...woohooo!

Update (!!): Rockson has a somber entry on the fireworks display (warning: very course language.) This guy is a gem, I tell ya...

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